Most Peoples of Sub-saharan Africa Speak a Language That Is Part of Which Family

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для учащихся на старшей ступени обучения по теме « Languages of the world »

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Тип урока: урок закрепления и применения знаний, умений и навыков.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая.

Оснащение: интерактивная доска

Ход урока

- Hullo, everybody! At the first of our lesson look at the board and read the proverbs.

As the man is, so is his language.

Who knows the language is at home everywhere.

Love understands all languages.

Those who know nothing of foreign languages, knows zero of their own. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Linguistic communication is the dress of thought.

Learn a new language and go a new soul. (Czech Maxim)(слайд1)

- What shall we talk well-nigh today co-ordinate to the proverbs? Of course, we shall talk about the languages of the world. But what is language?

Ps: Linguistic communication is our way of communication.

Language is the method through which nosotros share our ideas and thoughts with others.

Linguistic communication is what separates us from animals and makes us human.

- Now I desire you to listen to the song and then proper noun all the languages in the right order.

(Russian, Castilian, Italian, German, French, English, Russian).

(звучит песня «Ах, карнавал» в исполнении ансамбля под управлением Стаса Намина)

- There are a lot of languages in the world and each language has a lot of interesting facts. Your home task was to choose whatever linguistic communication yous like and say an interesting fact about it.


So y'all are welcome with your facts.


Japanese is the 9-th almost spoken linguistic communication in the earth merely is not ane of the 6 official UN languages.


The Chinese writing organization is over 3,000 years old.


Arabic is the fifth most spoken language in the world

Arabic is at least 1,500 years one-time


The discussion "salut" means both "hello" and "farewell".


Italy didn't actually have a national language until the 20th century and now Italian is the linguistic communication of classical music.


Spanish was the diplomatic language up to the 18th century and now it is the 2d near studied linguistic communication in the world .

German language

English and German share threescore% of their vocabulary and the get-go printed volume was written in High german.


The give-and-take "alphabet" is actually formed of "alpha" and "beta", the two first messages of the Greek alphabet.


The Dutch Language actually exists for 75% out of borrowed words – a lot of those are French, English and Hebrew


Due north Korean is slowly becoming a separate linguistic communication.

-Thank you for your interesting facts. Merely now let's say "hello" in different languages.(слайд3)

1. BONJOUR – French

2. HOLA – Spanish

3. HALLO / GUTEN TAG – German

iv. CIAO – Italian


 6. AHN-Immature-HA-SE-YO – Korean

7.  MARHABA – Arabic

8. NI HAU – Mandarin

9. Goede dag, Hallo -Dutch

10. Gia'sou  -Greek

- Now let's separate into 2 groups and each group will cull the leader. Your first task will be to read the text and be ready to say:

- what you lot have already known,

- new information from the text

- what you would similar to know more about

Languages of the world

It'south estimated that upwardly to vii,000 different languages are spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have merely a single speaker!

Languages are grouped into families that share a common ancestry. For example, English is related to German and Dutch, and they are all function of the Indo-European family of languages. These also include Romance languages, such equally French, Spanish and Italian, which come from Latin.

2,200 of the world'due south languages can be found in Asia, while Europe has a mere 260.

Virtually every language uses a similar grammatical structure, fifty-fifty though they may not be linked in vocabulary or origin. Communities which are ordinarily isolated from each other because of mountainous geography may take developed multiple languages. Papua New Republic of guinea for instance, boasts no less than 832 different languages!

The world's about widely spoken languages past number of native speakers and as a second language, co-ordinate to figures from UNESCO (The United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), are: Mandarin Chinese, English language, Castilian, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German and French.

The ease or difficulty of learning another linguistic communication can depend on your mother natural language. In general, the closer the second language is to the learner's native tongue and civilisation in terms of vocabulary, sounds or judgement structure, the easier conquering will be.

So, a Polish speaker will discover it easier to larn another Slavic language like Czech than an Asian language such as Japanese, while linguistic similarities mean that a Japanese speaker would find information technology easier to learn Mandarin Chinese than Polish.

Dutch is said to be the easiest language for native English speakers to pick upward, while enquiry shows that for those native English speakers who already know another language, the 5 most difficult languages to get your head around are Standard arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Around 75% of the world's population don't speak a word of English and a grasp of a different linguistic communication improves your abilities to use your first linguistic communication and explore other cultures more than successfully.

According to enquiry, on average, people who use languages in their jobs earn effectually 8% more! Many scientists also believe that noesis of another language can boost your brainpower. A report of monolingual and bilingual speakers suggests speaking two languages can assist slow down the brain'south reject with historic period. And to quote Nelson Mandela, "If yous talk to a homo in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart."

There are about 7000 foreign languages in the globe but English is the world'due south tiptop tongue.

Information technology has become the "new Latin", the lingua franca of the XXth century and its importance is growing up all the time. It's really a global linguistic communication. The English language is now the first language of virtually 400 mln people, the native language of 12 nations and the official or semi official language of thirty three more nations.

Virtually one and a quarter billion people beyond the globe use English as a 2d foreign linguistic communication. These days information technology'southward the international linguistic communication of politics, business, science. transport, advert, the media and computers. For example, well-nigh 75 per cent of websites are in English, 60% of the world'south radio stations broadcast in English and more than than one-half of the world's periodicals are printed in English. Even in Germany almost 90 per cent of research scientists use English equally their working English every day.

There are some other languages that are gaining in popularity. Offset of all it's Chinese with its billion native speakers. The number of people who speak Arabic, Spanish, Chinese or Portuguese in different countries is increasing also. Some languages like Urdu or Hindi are growing much faster than English. Even in the United states the fastest growing language is Spanish.

Not all languages are so successful, however. In fact about twenty languages disappear every year. Perhaps the Internet can help to save some languages from dying out with chat sites and messenger programs for communication in whatsoever language people know.

Nevertheless English will remain the globe's linguistic communication for international communication. Its office in personal development will exist very of import.

-There are a lot of different languages in the world. Now let'due south answer the questions about languages. Accept any card you like, read the question and answer it.(слайд4)

1) What is the approximate number of languages spoken in the world?

(There are approximately 7000 languages spoken in the earth),

two) Which is the oldest written language in the globe?

(The oldest written language in the world is Egyptian)

3) What languages are considered to be the most difficult in the earth?

(the N American Indian, Tabassaran, Chinese).

4) Which language has the largest vocabulary?

(English language)

5) Which of the languages are recognized nowadays as international languages or languages of wider communication?

(English language, French, German language, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Arabic).

6) Which of the languages are the official languages of the United Nations?

(English, French, Russian, Castilian, Chinese, Standard arabic).

7) Which of the languages is the official linguistic communication of international aviation?

(English language)

8) Which of the languages is the get-go language of pop music?

(English language)

9) What languages are the nigh international world'due south radio and Television receiver developer circulate in? (English, Russian, French, High german, Arabic, Chinese).

x) Which of the languages is often used as the language of concern, government, teaching in the developed countries? (English)

eleven) What languages are the official languages of the European international arrangement?

(English and French)

- Permit's sentry a video moving picture about the languages of the world. Your job will be to name the official language of the state.

(video film "Estimate the state quiz – Europe" учащиеся называют страну и государственный язык этой страны)

Portugal – Portuguese

Spain – Spanish

France – French

Italy – Italian

Switzerland – German language/French/Italian

Republic of austria – German

Czech Republic – Czech

Germany – German

Kingdom of denmark – Danish

The Netherlands – Dutch

Kingdom of belgium – French/Dutch

The United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland – English language/Welsh/Gaelic/Scots

Republic of ireland – Gaelic/English

Republic of iceland – Icelandic

Kingdom of norway – Norwegian

Sweden – Swedish

Finland – Finnish

- Look at the screen and find five adjectives which describe the English.

(pop, famous, universal, leading, world) (слайд5)

- Now I want you to imagine a situation that the world has adopted a universal language, English for example. People will speak just English. Will it be proficient or not? One group volition make up five statements " for" it and another grouping volition be "against" of it. (слайд6)

- What tin nosotros say nigh our country? What are the main languages in Kazakhstan? Are there any holidays devoted to languages in our country? What are they?(слайд7)

September22 – the Day of Languages in Kazakhstan

September 26 – European Day of languages

February21 – the International Solar day of the Native Language

- Now I want each group to create your own keepsake of Trinity of Languages. So say the primary idea. (учащиеся в группах рисуют эмблему триединства языков и затем защищают свою эмблему)

-What determination tin can we make? (Pupils' answers)

-Cheers for the lesson. I think today's lesson has proved the idea that people tin can't live without strange languages.

Source: https://урок.рф/library/urok_anglijskogo_yazika_po_teme_languages_of_the_w_214702.html

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