5 Secrets to Live Over 100 Years Old (The Science Behind the Longest-Living People on Earth)

In that location are places on earth where, if yous don't make information technology to 100, information technology's mostunusual.

These places take been studied past scientists for decades and take been given a name: blue zones.

Equally it turns out, blue zones be only in a few places on earth:

  1. Sardinia, Italian republic
  2. The islands of Okinawa, Japan
  3. Loma Linda, California
  4. Nicoya, Costa rica
  5. Ikaria, Greece

But there's one reason why these people take been studied so much by scientists.

Beyond just living to 100 in much higher rates than virtually anywhere else in the world, these people suffer from afractionof the wellness issues that nearly westerners suffer from in their 30s, 40s, 50s and after.

Dementia, centre bug and depression are virtually non-real among these people. What this means information technology that these people live a fantastic quality of life their entire (long) lives – non but at the end.

Thatis why this inquiry is so tremendously valuable to most of the states.

What's Wrong In the Due west?

In the U.s.a., 50% of the people that dice every year die from Center Disease and Cancer – both of which are somewhat preventable.

We know that at that place are cultures on earth without centre disease.

And we know that there are cultures on earth without cancer or incredibly low rates of cancer.

And nosotros know that both have a very strong diet and lifestyle component. Nevertheless we haven't quite figured out why so many people are dying.

What's astonishing is that in these blue zone communities (in detail, Ikaria, Hellenic republic) cancer rates are a fraction of what they are in the west, heart disease rates are near One-half of what they are, and dementia doesn't even exist.

What that means is that not just do these people rarely get many of the diseases you and I would go (and thus live a more enjoyable, hurting-gratuitous life), they enjoy optimal health throughout their entire lives – nearly until the solar day they die.

By living a sure lifestyle, non merely do you lot improve your wellness Now, this ensures yous avert the major killers later on in your life.

Then rather than just saying "okay, only what if I don't want to alive to 100?" these suggestions will help you live an optimally good for you and happy life at present.

Then What Are These Similarities?

Longevity Venn Diagram

Researchers ended up drawing conclusions between three of these particular groups: the Sardinians, the Okinawans, and the Loma Linda, California group.

What's interesting is that their "secrets" are not all tangible things.

I'm going to introduce yous to the five similarities amongst the groups, which aren't exactly secrets, and then later I'll show you the private secrets each of these cultures had.To me, the secrets are what come afterward these five.

Here's what they are:

#1 Family unit

Family unit is stressed as the most important thing in the lives of these people. Information technology's a priority to regularly see them, visit them, and interact with people part of their own tribe.  Virtually everything in these cultures revolves around social interaction.

#2 No smoking (obvious)

#3 Institute-based diet

The major part of each meal was plants.

Note: this does NOT mean they didn't consume meat or carbohydrates. It means that (like I've recommended in this six pack article), the foundation of each meal is plants, followed by a smaller portion of meat or refined carbohydrates.

#4 Constant low level of exercise (peradventure not what y'all're thinking of).

When we usually recall of physical activeness these days, we commonly recall of going to the gym and hitting ithard.

In reality, the people that regularly live to be the oldest aren't going through farthermost workouts – they're just getting regular physical action like gardening, hiking, or other labor required for farming. And they're getting this activeness every day.

Regular low or moderate level exercise every twenty-four hour period is their practise.

#5 Social engagement

We meet "social ties/family" as ii/5 key characteristics of people who live to 100.

Family unit and social ties make up an entire 30% of this "hole-and-corner." Pretty interesting, right?

Only what I wanted wasspecifics. Having a social life is great, merely what was it about the specific characteristics of each culture that was enabling them to live to an old historic period?

The Specific "Secrets" of Each Civilisation

I want to quickly go into a fleck of detail on each culture just so you can see howintangiblesome aspects of optimal wellness are.  Check out some of the qualities that researchers noted about each civilization, that weren't necessarily as concrete equally "diet and exercise."

The Ikarian Secret

The Ikarians in Greece have 10x the corporeality of people that reach 100, compared to the United States.

Hither are some of the really interesting things, tangible or otherwise, about them:

  • They put their family start and have really close family unit ties – stronger social ties have been linked to lower rates of depression and stress (Source).
  • They walk an average of v miles a day on uneven terrain (every bit shepherds).
  • They drink red wine – where studies usually show back and along research on alcohol, red wine is packed with antioxidants – what's interesting is that the Ikarian (like the Sardinian) variety of carmine wine hasthree timesthe normal levels of nigh red wine.

Ikarians also have a more relaxed outlook on life and laugh whenever possible. (More than on the studies backside the Ikarians here).

The Okinawan Clandestine

The Okinawans in Japan have a fascinating concept they partly attribute to their long lives, calledikigai– which is a reason for waking up in the morning. It'southward virtually like a purpose you lot give to life (or to the day). (Source)

  • They partly develop thisikigai by having incredibly strong social ties – friends and family that assist provide emotional, concrete and fifty-fifty fiscal support (+1 for friends!) (More onikigaihere).
  • Many of the local Okinawans have their own gardens that they play in daily (and plain get food from, also).
  • The Okinawans as well follow a mostly institute diet, but what's interesting is that they also take a personal rule where they but consume until 80% total, calledhari hachi bu.

Some Okinawans in their 90s however even take an active sex life. Talk about impressive!

Nicoya, Costa Rican Secret

The Costa Ricans have a very similar rule as the Okinawans – they have something called aprogram de vida– a reason to alive (source).

  • Theprogramme de vidais substantially a purpose or meaning they give to life, which frequently revolves around their social circle or their family unit. Family is again a huge component of the Nicoya people's lives.
  • The Nicoyans likewise believe in difficult piece of work, they ascension with the sun, slumber at to the lowest degree 8 hours a night, and eat their biggest meal in the morn – and their smallest meal at dark.


The Million Dollar Question: Is Longevity "All About" Diet and Exercise?

Honestly, we may never be able to synthesize and write a scientific commodity on "why" these people live long. We know diet, lifestyle, etc. are critical factors only there are probably many other intangible factors associated with their lifestyle of longevity and keen wellness.

I desire to draw your attention to a few interesting things: the intangible aspects of these people'southward lives.

Their social circles. The importance of family unit.

Having a "reason for living."  Working very hard and being active (not in the gym!), only also having a relaxed mental attitude towards life then they aren't getting overly stressed.

What'due south incredibly interesting about these bluish zones is that we typically associate longevity and health with fitness and food. In reality, there is an entire mental, social, spiritual and psychological realm that is as equally important.

What About You lot?

Are you making sure to take into account the intangible aspects of health? Your "social" wellness, your mental health, your "happiness" health, your spiritual health?

All these factors play much more into health and longevity than you might think. Eating right and do are fantastic tools and critical for health, but then is inner cultivation and the tillage of friendships.

five Secrets to Alive Over 100 Years Old (The Science Behind the Longest-Living People on Earth) | Personal Excellence


Source: https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/5-secrets-live-over-100-years-old-the-science-behind-the-longest-living-people-earth.html

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